A Chance In Life, formerly Boys’ & Girls’ Towns of Italy, was founded in 1945 to provide “a chance in life” to vulnerable and orphaned children in post-World War II Italy. These desperately poor children lived on the streets free of any kind of supervision. Their independent nature inspired Monsignor John Patrick Carroll- Abbing’s visionary approach to youth development: give children the responsibility of running their own town and they will grow into caring, responsible adults. Over the years, A Chance In Life has created towns in Italy, Ethiopia, India and Latin America, allowing the kids to elect their own leaders and share their own community. Through self-government, the kids become self-confident, creative and responsible.
150 million kids live on the street and A Chance In Life is working every day to change that. Over the last seven decades, this organization has changed the lives of over 35,000 young people all over the world. Interstate Drywall Corporation takes pride in transforming these children’s lives. To sponsor a child or learn more about this organization, go to https://www.achanceinlife.org/.